Sliding Bearings

Sliding bearings are specifically designed supports for reduction of friction and wear due to movements in piping systems.

The result is a reduction of loads in the piping systems under pressure, vibrations, and thermal loads. They are typically located between the pipe support and the structure.

Sliding bearings consist of a combination of two main materials:
PTFE & highly polished stainless plate.


low friction coefficient of - 0.1 for unlubricated or 0.05 for lubricated PTFE sliding bearings
tensile strength between 10 - 50 N/mm2 depending on the design and temperature
thermal resistance for sliding friction under load is in the range of - 35°C to +180°C, in case of special designs up to +600°C
corrosion resistance - PTFE plates are absolutely corrosion resistant and the steel parts are sandblasted and coated with a zinc phosphate coating with a thickness of min. 50 micrometers
no maintenance required
low construction height